Prices starting from September 2023

New prices due to an increase in rental fees for the training rooms:

Monthly payment options:

Taiji or Wushu trainings per week 1 2 3 4 5 6
Adults 25 € 35 € 45 € 55 € 65 € 75 €
Children 20 € 30 € 40 € 50 € 60 € 70 €

Other options:

One-time payment Payment for 10 trainings Individual training with Master
Adults 8 € 70 € 15 € / 30 min
Children 7 € 60 € 15 € / 30 min

Payment can be made in cash to the Master or by transferring to the club's bank account:

YongSheng Spordiklubi MTÜ 
Registrikood: 80221815 
SEB pangakonto EE791010220060743012

Tickets can also be purchased through if necessary.